All Overnight Camps


Kid’s Camps—The Overnight Camp Experience

Find the Perfect Camp Opportunity for Your Child

Educators and psychologists have long considered the overnight camp experience to offer significant developmental opportunities to children of all ages. In a nurturing environment, without parental supervision, kids get a chance to work together and solve problems, take responsibility for personal hygiene and cleanliness, develop self-esteem and self-reliance, and build confidence and independence. Though the camps often have a specific focus, such as sports, academics or the arts, the skills learned apply to all areas of life. Kids who have had the camp experience often are better at such crucial skills as communicating, listening, relaxing and reflecting.

Overnight camps are available to children of almost any age, from elementary school students to college-aged kids. Some of the camps simply provide an opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and recharge, but many camps have a specific focus, whether it be performing arts, athletics, spiritual growth, acting or other artistic expression. There are also camps that cater to kids with special needs.

According to many experts, the unique environment found in the camp experience is well-suited to help children develop critical social skills. The camp experience typically fosters inclusion, rather than exclusion, and creates a community where effort is rewarded as much as results. Kids feel a powerful sense of connectedness and belonging, as well as safety and acceptance.

This web site, designed by parents for parents, provides additional information to help you evaluate the different opportunities available to your child, and find the right fit. To learn more about the different overnight camps that might interest you and your children, visit our Kid’s Overnight Camp Directory page.

We have also compiled information on a wide variety of kid’s camps, designed to provide opportunities for kids with a range of interests. To learn more, go to our Kid’s Camp Directory home page.


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